Peterborough Women of Influence
In this episode we are interviewing three, no four, women talking about why that do what they do, biggest accomplishments, & advice. We have many amazing powerful Women of Influence in Peterborough, let us give you some insights into four of them! Hear from Monika Carmichael in a man's world, Catia Skinner of Mega Experience & creating 100 Women Peterborough, the Vlogger and Influencer herself Michelle Ferreri , branding herself as the local and beyond Influence and Vlogger and our very own Sofie Andreou of Sofie Andreou & Associates , your host, from corporate Toronto to Peterborough & Community Builder, Entrepreneur, VW Wonder, Family Business and loving it. Thank you for all you do! Women's Business Network of Peterborough, Kawartha Family Business Group, Peterborough Chamber of Commerce, Innovation Cluster & NV Media Productions